Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Past 4 Days...

It's thought that I'm probably anywhere from 2-4 months along at this point and time, but I go to the doctor tomorrow to have my prenatal exam done. Then judging how far along the doctor thinks I am depends on the ultrasound appt- so it's possible I'll be going back on Thursday or next Tuesday.

I've gotten a lot of questions about being pregnant and how did I not know I was pregnant. Well first off-- no morning sickness, not even the slightest hint of an uneasy queasy feeling. Second off, no extreme fatigue. Now there were some days that I felt like I had to take a nap at lunch, but I had done this in the past and wasn't pregnant, and just thought I was tired or hadn't had enough sleep the day before. Third, no increased urges to pee.. let's face it, I pee a LOT-- especially right after lunch. It's nothing for me to pee 3-5 times in an hour after lunch. And forget drinking coffee, water, or tea when we travel. Fourth, I was on birth control and believe me when I tell you-- there were months that I wouldn't have my period at all. BUT my OB-GYN in NC said, "As long as you take it everyday like you should, then don't worry about it." So I didn't. I never, ever thought I would end up pregnant.. despite the fact that (pardon the language) my boobs were getting bigger and the fact that I was gaining weight. Keep in mind too-- eating what I want and not drinking water was what I thought was making me gain weight.. hence why I thought my boobs were getting bigger and tender.

So now what? What's going on? What do I notice? Well like I said, the prenatal visit is tomorrow (which hopefully if I'm up to it, I'll blog about). My body is tired, I'm tired, and I'm freaking bloated and gassy. I don't mind the tired part as much as I mind the bloated and gassy feeling. I also feel like when I stand up, there is all this pressure on my body and back. My grandmother tonight said, "Don't worry kid, you still got a long way to go." Thanks grandma. :)) Which is why I really enjoy laying down and putting my feet up. The cute little scrub top I bought just a week or so ago, I can't wear anymore which is going to make the other ones even more difficult to get into. And I'm starting to feel little flutters, here and there, especially when I'm laying down and getting ready to go to sleep. I've had that one episode of queasiness- other than that, nothing. OH and I get choked up easier now too.. this morning it was Michael Buble singing, "Home," which is usually very soothing to me but this morning, I choked up. I choked up at Barnes and Noble looking at stuffed animals. And when the first chord of Brad Paisley's song "Anything Like Me," comes on, I choke up and have to turn it.

So that's what's been going on the past 4 days.. complaints and all. The journey still isn't over yet, so be on the lookout for more blogs about weird and unusual pregnancy things.


Heather G. said...

You will be fine, Girl. It's a blessing. You are growing a BABY....that's an amazing thing. Continue to journal and remember this time, for it too will pass. :)

Mandy said...

You will be great at growing a baby!! And extremely cute too! I'm super jealous that you have not been queasy! I puked every day...multiple times a day for several months!! Sweet baby flutters are the best feeling...second only to holding that sweet baby in your arms!! Looking forward to reading all about your journey to parenthood...YAY!!!