Friday, March 18, 2011

22 Weeks.

As many of you know, today was our first ultrasound visit. We, also, wanted to know how far along we were, boy or girl, and how many there were in there. After the GYN appt was over with, she asked how far along we thought we could be.

"Oh probably about 3 1/2 to 4 months, maybe."

As soon as she pressed on my stomach, she said, "Oh you're farther along than that."


She asked when my last period was, and when I told her I was on birth control and had no idea really. She said, "You were on birth control? Well all bets are off then if you were on birth control."

She then told us that the ultrasound she currently had was for early-on pregnancies, and since we were farther along then her ultrasound machine wouldn't do us justice and give us the detail we wanted. "But let's just scan through and see what we can see... just for fun."

We saw little baby head, little baby arms, little baby heart (we didn't hear the heartbeat b/c she didn't have the volume up, but it was beating and going to town), little baby stomach, and little baby legs. She tried to measure how long the baby's femur was, so it could give us a better idea how far along we were but the machine wouldn't calculate it so we didn't officially know.

She did say based on the way my stomach felt and based on how long the baby's femur was, she guessed about 22-23 weeks. "Wow.. really?!" we asked.

But she wanted to send us to the hospital to have an official ultrasound done where we can see better detail, find out what we're having, and get an official due date. So I get to take care of that on April 5th, as well as go back to the doctor's office and have my LOVELY diabetic test done. Ick.

She told me I could do what "normal" people do, since obviously I've been doing it and it hasn't bothered me. She said taking birth control all this time hasn't scientifically shown to do harm, but obviously not to take them. Continue my prenatal vitamins. It's okay for me to take Tylenol for a headache or cold and okay for me to take Claritin (thank god b/c the pollen is flipping HORRIBLE down here-- you can see it floating in the air). And I can continue using my Proactiv-- there was question about that since it has benzoyl peroxide in it. OH and most importantly.. there is only 1 in there... which relieved us both. :)

Keep checking back for updates.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

And Stretch...

Well Friday marks our first, official ultrasound-- and I gotta say we are very excited to find out how baby is looking and doing and how long/old he/she is.. OH and to find out how many there are in there. :)

Josh and I have established some compromises as far as baby is concerned. And yes I realize that the baby isn't born yet, and we have NO idea what we're getting into-- so things may change, but these are things that we would LIKE to have or see happen.

1) Josh has established himself as getting the good in the baby- meaning he gets to feed, coo, hold the baby, and change the pee-pee diapers. I get to change the poo-poo diapers and clean any spit-up and/or throw-up. :) This one is still in the works of compromise. :))

2) We're going to get a Baby Bullet. We want to know what's going into our baby's mouth, and we want to make sure it's produce with natural sugars and so forth.

3) We're going to have a separate playroom for toys and games-- MAYBE a TV. In their room, books only. That way when they get sent to their room, they can either read to pass time or do nothing at all.

4) Which leads to.. no cell phones until they are driving.

5) Final and more important-- I'm going to breastfeed, and baby is going to stay in a bassinet in our room for the first 4 months or so. I'm reading a book called the Baby Sleep Guide, and it's really given me a lot of pointers and helpful hints for a peaceful and healthy sleeping baby.

So... what's going on with my ever-changing body?? Well-- just within the week or two, I've gone from looking sorta pregnant to really looking pregnant (which is really cute if I do say so myself). Putting on scrub pants or pants/shorts in general is interesting in itself. Usually the front band or elastic is below the belly while the back of the pants is pulled up like it should be b/c they're too small. 1) I don't want to buy scrub pants if I don't have to.. too expensive (unless you can find them at Goodwill, but when you wear a size XS or S- what good does a L or XL do you?) 2) As previously stated, I have a small stature, and it is VERY difficult to find pants that will fit in the waist and in length. Shirts are starting to get tighter on me. And not meaning to get gross, but I'm going to have to move up in a bra size or get a maternity bra soon. I've gained back my pre hCG weight, which is fine now that I know what the added weight IS now. And I can literally feel my stomach muscles stretching and getting bigger. My skin is super tight right now and seems to be even worse after I eat.

Some days I'm not tired at all and feel great, like I can do anything-- and others I have a lot of pressure on my lower back and stomach, and I feel like I could crawl in a hole and sleep. I took a nap today in our little screening room, and it was dark and cool and quiet.. and I did NOT want to get up and go back to work. But it gave me enough energy to get through the afternoon. So today was a, "I can feel the baby growing," day. LOL. I'm still bloated and gassy (again, sorry) on a daily basis, but I've been trying to eat and snack throughout the day to avoid that. Some days it helps, and others like today, it didn't.

I'm still craving lemonade (which I gave into today and got some Minute Maid). But I find that I crave weird things at weird times like today I wanted shrimp sauce. I've only been nauseous twice now, and today was one of them. I smell weird things like onion rings across the room at a restaurant. My coffee smelled like wet cat food. And my Chinese food smelled like... well I don't remember, but I thought, "What the hell is that smell?" and realized it was supper. OH and the smells STILL came through my stuffy nose this am, but all I could smell was cologne and perfume (which gave me a headache).

So in short, that's what's going on. :) Weird feelings and weird smells. I still can't believe I'm pregnant, but I know that will change Friday. Will keep you posted.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

1st Baby Picture.

Sweet little baby Vittitow in there.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pregnancy Trumps Drunk.

Josh and I decided to go to Savannah on Saturday and walk around to 1) get exercise (something I was a little nervous about but I had no problems and rested when I needed to), and 2) to let Josh take pictures of the green-watered fountain at Forsyth Park.

On our way up to Forsyth, we counted 4-5 wedding photo shoots going on, 1 military ball photo shoot (nonprofessional), and 1 bridal shoot. Not to mention people looking at the fountain and then handing us their camera and asking, "Will you take our picture please? Don't let our camera offend you now." There were 3 other Great Danes there, tons of pregnant women, other photographers, tons of people wearing green- including a guy with a shirt that read, "In My Pants," on the front and, "Lucky Charms," on the back- and the whole downtown decorated in reds, purples, and green.

After Josh got his pictures, we were walking back up towards River Street and decided to grab some dinner and take more pictures of Broughton Street lit up with signs and cars. While Josh was snapping away, I took the opportunity to go pee at Starbucks.

I walked in, and already there's a line to the single stall women's bathroom. The longer I stood there, the more I had to pee. One lady was in the bathroom with her kids, there was a girl in front of me, and before too much longer, there were two more girls standing behind me. One thing I guess I need to mention that along with all the people in green-- about 75-98% of them are drinking and/or drunk. SO the girl in front of me went in, and I'm standing waiting doing the bouncy dance. And I hear the last girl standing in line say, "Excuse me, can I go in front of you? I feel like I'm going to hurl." The girl behind says yes, so the girl asks me. I turned around to look at her, and you could tell she was hammered-- glassy, sleepy eyes, yellow skin, etc. "Can I please go in front of you?"

My response, "Well I'm pregnant and gotta pee, so no you can't go in front of me."

"But I feel like I'm gonna throw up."

"Sorry. I gotta pee. My pregnant body trumps your drunkedness need to throw up. Don't worry. I pee fast."

I told Josh later, "I'm going to love this pregnancy thing." (as if I'm not already outspoken when people cut me off in line).

Friday, March 11, 2011

Short and to the Point.

Pre-natal exam thingy went well. Technically it was more the doctor's nurse asking me questions about my medical and personal history, Josh's past history, family history, and etc... Oh and let's not forget about the judgmental look of, "How did you not know?" But I was given a lot of info, as well as pre-registration to Hilton Head Memorial.

I went to Labcorp Thursday pm for my bloodwork, and I was really kinda nervous about it. Not that I mind getting my blood drawn or the needles (I have tattoos, trust me- I'm used to needles), but I was more nervous about getting lost or getting there too late OR the fact that they were going to fill up five vials of blood and I'd pass out. Turns out, I found it just fine and they only took three vials of blood. The nurse asked me how far along I was and if I had been sick.

"No," I replied.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Anyone that tells me they haven't been sick with their pregnancy, I want to kill them."

Thanks lady.. you're kinda killing me by digging that needle into my arm and switching the vials out. :))

So the 18th of March, we officially go to the doctor for the ultrasound. HOPEFULLY, I'll be far enough along to be able to see what we're having.

***Fingers crossed***

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Past 4 Days...

It's thought that I'm probably anywhere from 2-4 months along at this point and time, but I go to the doctor tomorrow to have my prenatal exam done. Then judging how far along the doctor thinks I am depends on the ultrasound appt- so it's possible I'll be going back on Thursday or next Tuesday.

I've gotten a lot of questions about being pregnant and how did I not know I was pregnant. Well first off-- no morning sickness, not even the slightest hint of an uneasy queasy feeling. Second off, no extreme fatigue. Now there were some days that I felt like I had to take a nap at lunch, but I had done this in the past and wasn't pregnant, and just thought I was tired or hadn't had enough sleep the day before. Third, no increased urges to pee.. let's face it, I pee a LOT-- especially right after lunch. It's nothing for me to pee 3-5 times in an hour after lunch. And forget drinking coffee, water, or tea when we travel. Fourth, I was on birth control and believe me when I tell you-- there were months that I wouldn't have my period at all. BUT my OB-GYN in NC said, "As long as you take it everyday like you should, then don't worry about it." So I didn't. I never, ever thought I would end up pregnant.. despite the fact that (pardon the language) my boobs were getting bigger and the fact that I was gaining weight. Keep in mind too-- eating what I want and not drinking water was what I thought was making me gain weight.. hence why I thought my boobs were getting bigger and tender.

So now what? What's going on? What do I notice? Well like I said, the prenatal visit is tomorrow (which hopefully if I'm up to it, I'll blog about). My body is tired, I'm tired, and I'm freaking bloated and gassy. I don't mind the tired part as much as I mind the bloated and gassy feeling. I also feel like when I stand up, there is all this pressure on my body and back. My grandmother tonight said, "Don't worry kid, you still got a long way to go." Thanks grandma. :)) Which is why I really enjoy laying down and putting my feet up. The cute little scrub top I bought just a week or so ago, I can't wear anymore which is going to make the other ones even more difficult to get into. And I'm starting to feel little flutters, here and there, especially when I'm laying down and getting ready to go to sleep. I've had that one episode of queasiness- other than that, nothing. OH and I get choked up easier now too.. this morning it was Michael Buble singing, "Home," which is usually very soothing to me but this morning, I choked up. I choked up at Barnes and Noble looking at stuffed animals. And when the first chord of Brad Paisley's song "Anything Like Me," comes on, I choke up and have to turn it.

So that's what's been going on the past 4 days.. complaints and all. The journey still isn't over yet, so be on the lookout for more blogs about weird and unusual pregnancy things.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Yes, yes... after years of trying and finally thinking we weren't able to have children, we have unexpectedly found out that we are expecting #1, or possibly #2 (twins do run on my side of the family). We're very shocked and surprised and excited and possibly running on every emotion there is.

We're guessing I'm about 2-3 months along, but I'm going to the doctor soon so we can have a better guesstimate on when we're due. We thought something was up when I went on this hCG diet, and I was losing weight everywhere BUT my mid to lower stomach. Josh brought to my attention that I could possibly be pregnant, and bless his soul-- I didn't believe him and even argued with him that I wasn't. So we bought a test, and we both peed on it... yes, he took a pregnancy test with me-- for the simple fact that we were both on hCG and since it's a pregnancy hormone, it could or would show up on both tests. His took a while but finally showed up negative. My test, however, showed up positive in a hurry. I stood there looking at the results for a while, and Josh said, "Honey I don't think the results are going to change the longer you look at it." LOL...

So I stopped my birth control immediately and am now taking prenatal vitamins that look like red horse pills. And maybe it's a mental thing, but my body knows that I'm pregnant. For instance, this morning at I-HOP, I was eating hashbrowns and the first thing I tasted was butter.. not potatoes but butter. Josh tasted it as well but not as strong as I did. I'm very tired today- of course that could be b/c I've been awake since 5:00 am. And I've been craving broccoli casserole, so I made one for supper and while I haven't eaten ALL of it, I have eaten quite a bit of that. And actually preferred that over cubed steak (which is very ick to me right now). OH and I've gone from not being able to eat carrots, broccoli, and nuts to eating apples, pineapple, carrots, broccoli, and toffee nuts. And trying to cut back on caffeine, but as we all know-- Amanda needs her coffee. And my digestive system is all screwed up.. which makes me nauseous ever so slightly.

So that's the story and why I had to stop doing the hCG diet..