Friday, September 24, 2010

Chicken Mushroom Provolone Sandwiches..

This recipe originally came from Williams-Sonoma, but I altered the recipe to make it mine.

- Thick Textured Bread-- I used Sourdough.

- Thinly Sliced Chicken Breasts (you can use Oscar Mayer or Sara Lee, but I used actual chicken breast and cooked it through). I sliced the breasts even more to make them thinner.

- 1 cup of fresh white or brown mushrooms

- Slices of Provolone Cheese (the original recipe called for Gruyere)

- Salt/Pepper to taste

- Extra Virgin Olive Oil

If you use actual chicken breasts and cook them through, remove them from the pan and add your mushrooms to the same pan. Saute over medium heat and set them aside. Slice your bread so your slices are thick enough so they won't fall apart in your panini maker. Put cheese on both sides of the bread. Put your chicken on one side of the bread, and the mushrooms on the other. Put the sandwich together and put in the panini maker until the cheese is melty and gooey.

Don't have a panini maker? You can use frying pans.. put the sandwiches in one pan over medium heat and put a foiled-covered brick or another frying pan on top of the sandwich to flatten the sandwich and add weight.

Pair it up with some sweet potato fries, and you have got yourself an awesome Bistro meal..

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