Thursday, July 16, 2009

And Thoughts..

Still writing articles and such.. trying to get back into grant writing. I'm going to meet a grant writer on Tuesday for her to teach me some things to see I like it and want to get into it.

I have also had a lot of fiction ideas come into my head. Only thing is I don't know where to go and what the characters should or can do to make them stand out and be different from everyone else. I mean let's face it, writing a book is a great accomplishment but I'm not proud of it. I think if things were handled different with the publishing company, I would be more proud of it.

May be writing different ideas to put on my blogspot... just a tip: I own the rights- all of them. It's my original work, and I am proud of it- so it's MINE.


I haven't blogged in a while but have had a lot of ideas running through my head. Finally had to write an idea down to see where it took me.. here's the result. Who knows where it will end up if anywhere.

I own all rights to this.

I woke up the morning after and looked around his bedroom. It looked a whole lot different in the morning sunlight than it did in the dark- where the only light coming through was the softness of the moon. Now the morning sun made everything look extra bright, almost translucent. I rolled over to see him sleeping soundly next to me with his arm draped over his eyes to block out the sun, or maybe he was he was doing the same thing I was- trying to avoid me, like I was with him. But oh my god it was fun—ten years of playing catch up wrapped into two hours of pure, animal, never-going-to-see-you-again sex.

I peeled myself out of his bed and tried to step lightly across the hardwood floors. One of the boards creaked underneath me, immediately causing me to stop and turn around to see if I had woke him up. I sighed under my breath to see that he was still peacefully sleeping and continued walking through his room picking up my clothes that seemed to be in order from his bed to his bedroom door. First was my black, lacy underwear, second was my matching bra, third was my simple, black cocktail dress, fourth and fifth were my shoes and my hair barrette that I tossed as soon as the door was closed.

As soon as I was dressed, I opened the door and was just about out of his room- thinking I had played it safe.

“Hey,” I heard behind me.

Damn it. I was busted.